I am taking votes... to those of you who might see this... what should I do with the next year of my life?
A) Stay in New Zealand... continue to try and find o
pportunity of a lifetime.
B) Move to South Korea for a year and make
butt-loads of dollars and fund my future travels around the Euro-Asian continent.
C) Throw in the towel and move back to Oregon so that I can find jobs, houses and cars on Craigslist, possibly live with my parents again until I "get back on my feet", but get to hangout with the most amazing group of friends
and my Mother, Father, Mom and sisters
and start a craft club.
D) Apply for g
raduate school, mostly because getting a job outside of the restaurant industry has been frighteningly difficult for me no matter what side of the world I am on.
You don't actually have to vote, but you can if you want... i have a tendency to seek answers (for better or worse) to life changing decisions, from other people. In hopes that someone will say something that clicks, "like a light at the end of a tunnel". Only time will tell, but the best thing about all my choices or paths is that they ARE ALL GOOD. Its like comparing Rose Apples to Granny Smith... you can't really go wrong.